
来临的这个星期日 12/1/2020 您一定要带着您的一家大小来GM Klang!因为在您购买年货之余,我们准备了许多活动给您!
当然还少不了新年必须要有的财神爷啦!当然还有很多的赠品兑换!也有幸运许愿树活动,您还有机会赢取价值总达RM 880的现金!
您还在等什么?这个星期日赶快邀请您的亲朋好友一起来GM Klang吧!
In conjunction with Chinese New Year, we are celebrating this festive in a more meaningful way! We have a lot of activities such as booth exhibition of goods, cultural & charity exchange, kids drawing contest and also stage performances by professional stage performers. Besides, we also have your lucky wishing tree and freebies giveaway on that day!
Let’s start New Year with New Year resolutions stating, good “spring cleaning” time & family bonding in GM Klang.
Get your friends & family and See you on 12th January 2019 yah!
#GMKlang #CNY2020 #HappyCNY